The 7 Most Useful Google Business Tools For Insurance Agents

Carrie Masure | Recruiting Director
Carrie Masure | Recruiting Director
Published on January 24, 2020

You probably already know about a few of the tools Google has to offer like Gmail and Google Drive, but there are many more that you’ve likely never utilized. Among a black hole of paid services that can get expensive month after month, these Google business tools are free! 

7 Useful Google Business Tools For Insurance Agents

1. Google Analytics

This tool is a necessity for insurance agents looking to analyze where their online traffic is coming from. It’s important to know what channels are successful and unsuccessful when it comes to your marketing efforts. The initial Google Analytics set up may be a little more on the technical side, so allow a web design/developer to help you get it running. 

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is an incredibly useful business tool for insurance agents to track popular and trending searches related to the insurance industry. How can this help? 

For example, if you look up “Medicare supplement plans” in the toolbar, you can see that the term has increased in search popularity over the past five years. You’ll also note that this specific topic tends to spike every single year around the open enrollment period. You can view the geographical locations that your search term was most popular in as well. This knowledge can help you focus your marketing efforts in the right places and at the right time. 

3. Google Forms 

Google Forms is a powerful way to collect data into customized forms. What can insurance agents use it for? It’s highly useful for anything from maintaining your sales leads to sending out surveys to your clients. The best part is, it’s totally free! 

4. Google Alerts 

Want to stay updated with the latest insurance industry news and “must-know” information? Google Alerts can alert you whenever a topic or search term you’ve created is discussed online. For example, you can create an alert for the name of your business and know anytime it’s mentioned. You can even track your competition the same way. 

5. Google My Business

This is a tool you don’t want to skip over and is a must in the present business climate. Google My Business will allow you to list your insurance agency and be searchable on the most powerful search engine online. Make it easy for prospective clients to look you up! 

6. Google Keyword Planner 

Do you plan to generate leads through advertising on Google? Keyword Planner gives you the ability to see how much competition there is for specific keywords and phrases. An estimated bid amount is displayed for your ad to appear at the top of the page using the given keywords. The tool also gives you an exhaustive list of related keyword ideas and search terms to broaden your options. This is an essential tool for insurance agents looking to advertise with Google. 

7. Google Keep

Google Keep is an excellent way to stay organized during the day-to-day chaos of an insurance business. Keep integrates with all your other Google apps, so you don’t have to worry about using so many different tools. Create checklists and set reminders all within one app. If you’re working with a team, you can share these with them as well. It’s simple, yet useful and effective without being over-complicated. 

Hopefully, all the above-mentioned new uses for Google keep you busy as you explore the functionality and versatility of these tools for your insurance business. 

Are there any other Google business tools you use on a daily business? 

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