Compensation and Rewards

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Rewards are structured to motivate and compensate.

Build your future

We believe that “ownership” of accounts is vital. Our role is to help you build your own business. To that end, we have one of the best and shorted vesting schedules in the business.

What does it mean to own your own book of business?

Ownership should be every agent’s goal because it’s an asset that’s building over time. Every day an agent sells a product in a book they don’t own, they’re creating an asset for someone else.

Why building an asset is important?

  • In as little as 10 years, agents can build an asset that is worth over a million dollars 
  • If agents don’t own their book, that multi-million dollar asset is not theirs
  • Don’t do all the hard work then not reap the rewards; financial freedom and flexibility

Grow your wealth

Build the future you’ve been working toward! With KRS you can count on highly competitive compensation – up to six figures – to give your family the life you’re looking for.

Look to advance

We reward performance and leadership with opportunities in various levels of management, by leading your own team or by opening your own office.

Enjoy travel incentives

Your achievements will always be appreciated, recognized, and rewarded, as you may qualify for our annual convention and conventions sponsored by our many carriers.



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