5 Strategies to Build Your Email List and Grow Your Insurance Business

Carrie Masure | Recruiting Director
Carrie Masure | Recruiting Director
Published on March 13, 2020

If you haven’t been actively trying to grow your email list, it’s time to start now. What many insurance agents don’t realize is that a solid email list can be one of their greatest sales weapons.

Your list should be full of both hopeful prospects as well as trusting customers open to purchasing another policy at the right time. A robust email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have as an agent. It is a gold mine for marketing opportunities.

Not sure where to start when it comes to getting emails? Here are a few strategies you can implement to build your email list and grow your insurance business. 

1. Offer valuable lead magnets 

People are generally apprehensive to offer up their email addresses without hesitation. After all, nobody wants an inbox full of clutter or spam. It’s your job to earn the trust of someone online, but how can that be accomplished?

One strategy you can use is a strong lead magnet. A lead magnet is something of value offered in exchange for an email address.

What makes a good lead magnet? 

  • High perceived value to your prospect
  • Easily accessible
  • Solves a problem 
  • Easy to read

If your typical market is seniors, an example of a valuable lead magnet could be “The Essential Financial Checklist for Retirees Under 70.”

You can use a site like Fiverr to have a freelancer create a professional-looking image for you at an affordable price.

Try using several different lead magnets and assess which ones are converting well. You can set up a Facebook ad to test out lead magnets at any time. Place your best performing lead magnet on your website so it’s the first thing a visitor sees.  

2. Add an opt-in message to your videos

If you’re an agent creating video content for your clients and potential clients (and if you’re not, you should), start your videos with a quick reminder to opt-in to your email list for more exclusive content and helpful videos. Don’t place the message at the end, as not everyone will watch the entire video. Have a link in the video description for easy access. 

3. Add a sign-up URL below your email signature  

Sure, this may not be your top converting method to getting email signups, but if you send a high volume of emails and a small percentage of those opt-in, you can’t go wrong. 

4. Collect email addresses from face-to-face meetings

When speaking with prospects and clients in person, you can build trust and rapport. People are more likely to offer personal contact information like an email address if you’ve built a relationship, even casually.

Use a call-to-action on your business card along with a shortened URL to hand out to prospects or clients.

Here are some ideas for getting in front of people: 

  • Offer a free insurance seminar locally
  • Volunteer in your community
  • Network with other professionals
  • Provide free insurance consultations
  • Conduct annual insurance and financial reviews
  • Attend professional development events

Always have cards on hand to give out! 

5. Utilize locked content

On your website, provide something valuable for free to your prospects. This could be anything from a mini-course to a short pdf guide on a specific topic.

Only give access to part of the provided content, allowing full access if the person signs up with their email address for your list. An engaged reader is more likely to give you their email address.

We hope you can use these strategies to build your email list and grow your insurance business to the level you desire. Always view your email list as a priceless asset for an aggressive marketing campaign.

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